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About us

MFO is focused on supporting start-up entrepreneurs, micro and small enterprises, as well as all others who have difficulties to access to financial services (Roma, rural population, etc.).
For accomplishing the goals, MFO is working to establish strong links with other similar domestic NGOs, international organizations and foreign donors.
MFO is based on the following values: entrepreneurship, participation, partnership, accountability and transparency, sustainability and equal opportunities.
In achieving its goals and objectives MFO is using the following methods:

- Analysis and research;

- Monitoring the situation;

- Raising awareness through campaigns and other activities

- Preparation and suggestions of relevant legal acts and mechanisms supportive business environment;

- Capacity building through training and consultancy;

- Joint events and performances in public.

Our mission

Our mission

MFO mission is to contribute in creating a society in which sustainable microfinance sector will deliver adequate financial and non-financial services to reduce poverty through the promotion of entrepreneurship and development of micro and small businesses and others who have difficulties to access to financial services



MFO strives to accomplish the following objectives:

• Achieve the common interests of MFO members through intensive and active communication with all relevant stakeholders in the field of joint action

• Improved access to financial services as a powerful tool for entrepreneurship development and poverty reduction through intensive communication with target groups and the introduction of innovative products by using information and communication technologies

• Improved business environment through greater inclusion of the business community and civil society in making and implementation of legislation and regulations in an organized form

• Promoting and developing entrepreneurship, encouraging innovation and development of partnerships.

• Improved capacity of MFO members



tim М-р Горан Лазаревски

Извршен директор

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Моб. +389 78 364 913

Елена Цуцулоска

Оперативен менаџер

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Моб. +389 78 435 500


Наташа Јорданова

Проектен асистент

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Моб.: +389 78 274 283


-  ЦЕП Можности Скопје

-  ЗГ ФУЛМ Скопје

-  Микрокредитна фондација Хоризонти Скопје

-  Македонска Развојна Фондација за Претпријатија Скопје - МРФП


-   CEP Moznosti Skopje

-   ZG FULM Skopje

-   Microcredit fondation Horizonti Skopje

-   Macedonian Enterprise Development Fondation - MEDF


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